How To Get Melted Plastic Smell Out Of Dishwasher

Have you ever opened your dishwasher only to be greeted by a pungent, unpleasant smell? This common household dilemma often arises from melted plastic items that, unfortunately, find their way into our dishwashers. Whether it’s a forgotten plastic utensil or a misshapen container, the resulting odor can be both persistent and bothersome, permeating not just your dishwasher but potentially your entire kitchen.

How To Get Melted Plastic Smell Out Of Dishwasher? To effectively remove the melted plastic smell from your dishwasher, start by thoroughly cleaning the interior, including the filters and spray arms. Next, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to deodorize and disinfect. Running a hot water cycle with this solution can effectively neutralize odors.

In this blog, we will dive into a variety of methods to tackle this issue, from simple home remedies to more thorough cleaning techniques. Not only will these tips help you get rid of the unpleasant odor, but they’ll also ensure your dishwasher remains in top condition. So, if you’re eager to restore freshness to your kitchen and learn some valuable dishwasher maintenance tips along the way, you’re in the right place!

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get Melted Plastic Smell Out of Dishwasher?

Navigating the pesky problem of a melted plastic smell in your dishwasher can seem daunting. Yet, fear not! I’ve crafted a simple, step-by-step guide under the “How to Get Melted Plastic Smell Out of Dishwasher” banner. Together, we’ll transform your kitchen from whiffy to wonderful in no time!

Understanding the Problem

If you’ve ever accidentally melted plastic in your dishwasher, you know the unpleasant and persistent smell it can leave behind. It’s a common mishap, and while it can be frustrating, don’t worry—I’m here to help guide you through the process of how to get the melted plastic smell out of your dishwasher. This problem is more than just a nuisance; it can permeate your kitchen and even affect the taste and smell of your dishes. So, let’s dive in and tackle this issue together with some straightforward, effective steps.

Identify the Source:

First things first, locate where the plastic melted in your dishwasher. This could be on the heating element, the racks, or the dishwasher walls.

Remove the Plastic:

Carefully scrape off the melted plastic. Ensure the dishwasher is cool and use a plastic scraper to avoid damaging the surfaces.

Clean the Dishwasher: 

Use a mixture of baking soda and water to clean the inside of the dishwasher. Baking soda is great at absorbing odors.

Run a Vinegar Cycle: 

Fill a dishwasher-safe cup with white vinegar and place it on the top rack. Run a hot-water cycle. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and will help eliminate the smell.

Leave the Door Open:

After the cycle, leave the dishwasher door open to air out. Fresh air can work wonders in dissipating lingering odors.

Use Lemon Peels:

For an extra freshness boost, you can run a short cycle with lemon peels on the top rack. Not only does this help with the smell, but it also leaves a pleasant, citrusy aroma.

Immediate Steps to Remove Melted Plastic

In the guide “How to Get Melted Plastic Smell Out of the Dishwasher,” we now turn to the crucial “Immediate Steps to Remove Melted Plastic.” If you’ve ever faced the dilemma of melted plastic in your dishwasher, you know the persistent, unpleasant odor it leaves behind. I’ll walk you through simple yet effective steps to tackle this issue head-on. These easy-to-follow methods will help you restore your dishwasher’s freshness and efficiency, ensuring your kitchen remains a welcoming space.

Upon discovering melted plastic in your dishwasher:

You’ve just opened your dishwasher and, uh oh, there’s a mess of melted plastic staring back at you. Not only is it a hassle to remove, but that lingering plastic smell is just as unwelcome. Here’s a friendly guide on how to tackle this sticky situation and particularly how to get melted plastic smell out of the dishwasher – trust me, we’ve all been there!

Turn Off and Cool Down:

First things first, ensure your dishwasher is off and cooled down. This step is crucial for safety and to prevent further melting.

Ventilation is Key: 

Open your dishwasher and let it air out. This helps in reducing the intensity of the smell.

Softening the Plastic: 

Use a warm, damp cloth to gently soften the plastic. This makes it easier to remove without scratching your dishwasher’s interior.

Gentle Scraping: 

With a wooden or plastic spatula (avoid metal to prevent scratches), gently scrape off the softened plastic.

Baking Soda Magic:

 Sprinkle some baking soda over the affected area. It’s a natural cleaning agent and works wonders in absorbing odors.

Vinegar Rinse:

After scraping off the plastic, use a mixture of white vinegar and water to rinse the area. Vinegar is great for neutralizing odors.

Citrus Power:

Place a bowl of lemon peels or orange peels in the dishwasher and run a short cycle. Citrus helps in eliminating odors naturally.

Preventive Measures:

 Finally, to avoid a repeat, check for plastic items that are not dishwasher safe before starting your next cycle.

Commercial Cleaners and Deodorizers

Dealing with melted plastic in your dishwasher can be a real headache, when it leaves behind that stubborn, unpleasant smell. If you’re scratching your head, wondering how to get melted plastic smell out of the dishwasher, don’t worry – I’ve got some tips that’ll make this task a breeze. Using commercial cleaners and deodorizers can be a game-changer, and I’m here to walk you through it, step-by-step.

Choose the Right Cleaner:

Look for a cleaner that’s specifically designed for dishwashers. These products are formulated to not only clean but also neutralize odors without damaging your appliance.

Use Deodorizing Agents: 

Baking soda and vinegar are great, but sometimes you need something stronger. There are deodorizers available that are specifically designed to tackle tough smells, like burnt plastic.

Follow Instructions Carefully: 

When using commercial products, always follow the instructions on the label. This ensures that you use the product safely and effectively.

Run a Cleaning Cycle: 

After applying the cleaner, run a full cycle on the highest heat setting. This helps to remove any residue and odor left by the melted plastic.

Regular Maintenance:

 To prevent future incidents, regularly clean your dishwasher with these cleaners. It’s not just about tackling the current problem, but also about preventing it from happening again.

Ventilate the Area: 

While doing all this, make sure your kitchen is well ventilated. This helps to dispel any lingering odors and makes your cleaning process more effective.

Preventive Measures

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? You’re going about your day, and suddenly, there’s a not-so-pleasant surprise waiting for you in your dishwasher: melted plastic. Not only is it a hassle to remove, but that distinct smell of melted plastic just seems to linger in the air, stubbornly refusing to leave your kitchen. I’m sure you’re wondering, “how to get melted plastic smell out of the dishwasher?” Well, you’re in luck! Below are some handy tips that’ll not only help with the smell but also prevent future plastic melting mishaps.

Check Dishwasher-Safe Labels: 

Always, and I mean always, check if an item is dishwasher-safe. Some plastics are just not meant to withstand high temperatures. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Placement is Key:

If you must put plastics in the dishwasher, place them on the top rack. The bottom is closer to the heating element and can cause items to melt. Think of it like the back row of a concert – it’s cooler, and you still enjoy the show (or in this case, clean dishes).

Regular Dishwasher Cleaning: 

Keeping your dishwasher clean is crucial. A clean dishwasher means a more efficient one, reducing the risk of items falling onto the heating element. It’s like a tidy room; everything just works better when it’s clean.

Use Gentle Dishwasher Detergents:

Harsh chemicals can sometimes make plastics more prone to melting. Opt for a gentler detergent; it’s like choosing a mild shampoo for your hair – gentle yet effective.

Manual Pre-Washing: 

If you’ve got heavily soiled plastic ware, give it a quick pre-wash by hand. This reduces the need for high-temperature cycles in the dishwasher, which in turn reduces the risk of melting.

Immediate Removal After Cycle

Don’t let your dishes sit for too long after the cycle. The sooner you remove them, the less likely they are to become misshapen or melt due to residual heat.

When to Call a Professional

If the smell persists or you’re concerned about the safety of your dishwasher, it’s time to call a professional. A technician can thoroughly inspect your appliance, remove any remaining residue, and ensure it’s safe and functional.


The key to removing the melted plastic smell from your dishwasher lies in a combination of thorough cleaning and natural deodorizing agents like baking soda and vinegar. This approach not only eliminates odors but also ensures a hygienic, well-maintained appliance.

In conclusion, dealing with a smelly dishwasher can be frustrating, but it’s a manageable task. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to accidents like melted plastic can prevent odors from becoming a lingering issue. Remember, a clean dishwasher not only smells better but also performs better, ensuring your dishes come out sparkling clean every time. So, take these tips, give your dishwasher the care it deserves, and enjoy a fresh-smelling kitchen once again!