Do You Take The Plastic Off Finish Dishwasher Tablets

When it comes to dishwasher tablets, especially those from Finish, a common query that perplexes many is whether to remove the plastic covering before use. This question isn’t just about the functionality of the tablets but also touches on environmental concerns and the effectiveness of the dishwasher’s cleaning process. Understanding the correct usage of these tablets is crucial for anyone aiming for spotless dishes without harming the environment.

Do You Take The Plastic Off Finish Dishwasher Tablets? You do not need to remove the plastic off Finish dishwasher tablets. The plastic is designed to dissolve in water, ensuring the tablet releases its cleaning agents efficiently. This feature simplifies the process, making dishwasher use more convenient and efficient for you.

This blog aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Finish dishwasher tablets and their proper usage. By the end of this article, you will not only have clarity about the plastic cover but also gain insights into other relevant aspects of dishwasher tablet usage. This information will not only ease your kitchen chores but also contribute to a more environmentally conscious approach to dishwashing.

Step-by-Step Guide: Do You Take The Plastic Off Finish Dishwasher Tablets?

When it comes to using dishwasher tablets, a common question that pops up is, “Do you take the plastic off Finish dishwasher tablets?” The answer is surprisingly straightforward, yet often overlooked due to the sleek and somewhat deceiving appearance of these cleaning powerhouses. The plastic-like wrapping that encases each tablet isn’t plastic but a water-soluble film designed to dissolve rapidly in water. This ingenious design eliminates the need for you to peel or unwrap the tablet before use, ensuring a mess-free and efficient cleaning experience.

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process

Check Your Dishwasher’s Compatibility: Before anything else, ensure that your dishwasher is compatible with Finish dishwasher tablets. Most modern dishwashers are, but it’s always good to double-check.

Step One

Load Your Dishwasher:

Load your dishes as you normally would. Remember to arrange them in a way that allows water to circulate freely, ensuring all surfaces are exposed to the cleaning action of the tablet.

Place the Tablet in the Dispenser:

Take a Finish dishwasher tablet, and without removing the film, place it in your dishwasher’s detergent dispenser. The film is designed to dissolve in water, so there’s no need to peel it off.

Select the Right Setting:

Choose the appropriate wash cycle for your load. If you’re dealing with heavily soiled dishes, a more intense cycle might be necessary.

Start the Dishwasher:

Close the dispenser and start your dishwasher. The tablet will begin to work its magic as soon as the cycle starts and the water dissolves the film.

Unload Clean Dishes:

Once the cycle is complete, unload your dishes. You’ll find them sparkling clean and ready to use.

Step Two

Step One: I Make Sure My Hands Are Dry:

Before handling a Finish dishwasher tablet, it’s crucial to start with dry hands. This is because the tablets are designed to dissolve upon contact with moisture, and damp hands can start this process prematurely.

Step Two: Locating the Perforations:

Examine the tablet for any perforated lines or indications where the plastic might be designed to tear easily. These perforations are strategically placed to make the removal of the plastic wrapping a breeze.

Step Three: Tearing the Plastic Wrapping:

Gently tear along the perforated line, if present, or open the plastic wrapping at one of the corners. The goal here is to remove the plastic without breaking the tablet inside.

Step Four: Disposing of the Plastic Wrapping:

Once the plastic is removed, dispose of it properly. Keeping our environment in mind, it’s always a good practice to check if the plastic wrapping is recyclable in your area.

Start With Dry Hands:

It’s important to begin with dry hands. The tablets are designed to dissolve with moisture, and even slightly damp hands can start this process too soon.

Find the Perforations:

Look for any perforated lines on the tablet. These are your guides for where to tear.

Tear Off the Plastic:

Gently tear the plastic at the perforations or start at a corner if there are no visible lines. The aim is to unwrap the tablet without breaking it.

Proper Disposal:

After you’ve removed the plastic, make sure to dispose of it responsibly. If possible, recycle it.

To Peel or Not to Peel: Understanding the Tablet’s Coating

Have you ever stood in your kitchen, Finish dishwasher tablet in hand, pondering, “Do you take the plastic off Finish dishwasher tablets before popping them into the machine?” If so, you’re not alone! It’s a common question with a not-so-obvious answer. 

Let’s dive into the details together, and figure out what’s going on with these handy little cleaning marvels:

An Exploration of the Outer Layer of the Dishwasher Tablet 

Clarification on Whether the Coating is Plastic and If it Should Be Removed

Material of the Coating:

Firstly, it’s crucial to know that the outer layer of these tablets is not made of traditional plastic. Instead, it’s crafted from a water-soluble and biodegradable film. This means it’s designed to dissolve completely and safely in water, ensuring no harmful residues are left behind.

Purpose of the Coating:

The coating serves a dual purpose. It not only keeps the tablet intact and moisture-free before use but also helps in the precise release of detergent during the washing cycle. This controlled release is key to effective cleaning.

Environmental Concerns:

If you’re worried about environmental impact, rest easy. The film is eco-friendly, breaking down without leaving any trace of microplastics in the environment. It’s a small but significant way to keep our planet a bit cleaner.

Ease of Use:

One of the best parts? No need for peeling or unwrapping. Just place the tablet in the dishwasher’s detergent compartment, and you’re good to go. It’s hassle-free and mess-free, perfect for those busy days when every second counts.


The design of these tablets ensures they start working the moment they hit water. The coating dissolves swiftly, releasing the cleaning agents that tackle everything from greasy stains to baked-on food. It’s like having a tiny, efficient cleaning team in your dishwasher!

Compatibility with Dishwashers:

These tablets are compatible with most dishwasher models. Whether you have a brand-new, high-tech machine or an older, trusty one, these tablets will do their job effectively.


You do not need to remove the plastic off Finish dishwasher tablets. The plastic is designed to dissolve in water, ensuring the tablet releases its cleaning agents efficiently. This feature simplifies the process, making dishwasher use more convenient and efficient for you.

In conclusion, the use of Finish dishwasher tablets is designed to be as straightforward and effective as possible. The dissolvable plastic is an innovative solution to ensure the tablet’s cleaning agents are released effectively during the wash cycle. If you’ve been hesitant about whether to remove the plastic, now you can confidently place the tablet in your dishwasher as it is. Not only does this save you time and effort, but it also reassures you that you’re using the product correctly for the best cleaning results. Remember, it’s these small details that can make your daily chores simpler and more efficient.